Tag: Excellence

  • Expectations

    “Where expectations are high, we tend to rise to meet them. Where expectations are low, we tend to drop to meet them.” “We like the freedom low expectations give us, but we’re really being robbed.” From Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris

  • Practice Pain

    “It is precisely in times of immunity from care that the soul should toughen itself beforehand for occasions of greater stress, and it is while fortune is kind that it should fortify itself against her violence.” – Seneca the Younger Practice pain and when it comes it will be gentler. If you have practiced the…

  • To Gain Clarity, Write.

    David C. Baker: “We gain clarity through articulation.” James Clear also talks about how he doesn’t really know what he thinks about something unless he has written about it. Journaling has made a big difference for me in gaining clarity through writing. Especially when I’m writing as a prayer to God.

  • I Want To; but I Don’t Do It.

    I keep sitting down to do video production and not doing it and not knowing why I don’t. I felt like Paul in Romans 7:15: “For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do.” My sin nature…

  • Stuck? Stop multi-tasking.

    I”ll be “stuck” at something and realize that I”m trying to listen to a YouTube video in the background while “working” on the task. When I shut off the video and push through, it usually works. Sometimes, I need to go and play the piano, take a walk or just sit with my eyes closed…

  • The Journey

    “Don’t be attached to a specific outcome, but be committed to the journey.” – Melanie Whitney

  • You don’t need to have all the answers.

    “You don’t have to have all the answers to get started. You just need something solid to stand on while you find your next foothold.” – Jonathan Stark Work from what you know to what you don’t. “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” – Unknown

  • Positioning Statement

    People often wonder how to make their “positioning statement”. A short statement that defines them in a way that resonates with their ideal client. To start, I would ask yourself four questions: Who do I want to serve? What problems do they have? Of those problems, which ones can I solve? What solution can I…

  • Put The Reps In.

    If you have been following my blog, you might remember me quoting James Clear talking about a study where there were two groups of photography students. Group A was the “quality group”. They had to produce was one photo for the entire semester. It had to be a great photo, their best work. Group B…

  • When We Do Hard Things.

    When we do hard things, we learn about ourselves and the world we live in. When we do hard things, we get stronger. When we do hard things, we can take on bigger challenges if we just keep our eyes open and learn. This month, I was worked on a hard thing. I was working…