If You Could Go Back in Time, What Would You Tell Your 18 Year Old Self?

“If you could go back in time and talk to your 18 year old self, what would you say?” That’s the question I asked a few people back in 2019 when I was 18. I don’t remember most of the responses, but one of them stuck with me. “Don’t be so selfish.” That answer came from an elderly gentlemen who didn’t say much, but was worth listening to. I wish I would have realized how selfish I really was and done better in God’s power.

I want to do this little survey again and keep track of the responses. Here are a few from today:

“Don’t take life so seriously, it’ll work out.”

“God is faithful. He is working good even when you don’t see it.”

“Be friendly, be be more careful about who you’re friends with. Take advantage of the mentors God puts in your life.”

What would I say?

This is what I would tell my 18 year old self:

Cling to God. You will flounder, He will be your constant.
Learn all you can about what the Bible says about everything in general and suffering in particular.
You’ll want friends, you’ll get mentors, and that will be good. Do seek out a handful of good friends though.
Seek out the outcasts, the misfits, the people who don’t have a friend to talk to.
Take advantage of limited opportunities without overlooking what’s right in front of you. Don’t overlook your parents and other family as friends.
God and the people who genuinely care about you will love and accept you regardless of your performance. Performance-based acceptance is the world, but doesn’t need to be your home.
All sin, even “respectable” sins, have consequences. And they hurt. Fight the cancer of sin before it spreads.
Implement fixed-schedule slow productivity. Constraints produce creativity.

What would you say?

If you could go back in time and talk to your 18 year old self, what would you say?
Let me know what you’d say in the comments below if you’re comfortable with sharing.
If you’re under 18: If you could go back in time and talk to yourself a few years ago, what would you say?


Photo by Zulfa Nazer on Unsplash

4 responses to “If You Could Go Back in Time, What Would You Tell Your 18 Year Old Self?”

  1. I’d tell myself it’s not going to go according to “the plan”. Take God’s revealed will into account, and plunge forward on some goals. Don’t spend time worrying and waiting, be bold and go for it.

  2. Begin every day with the prayer, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.” (Ps 19:14 ESV). Relate everything to God’s Word, making all your reactions and decisions on that basis. Respond to each situation by talking to God about it.

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