Category: Bible Thoughts

  • Am I Too Hard on Myself?

    Simultaneously freeing and challenging. Piper summarizes the correct view of this quite winsomely (see below the verses) when summarizing Paul’s amazing statement in Philippians 3:12-14: “Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of…

  • The Seriousness of An Insult

    “The seriousness of an insult rises with the dignity of the one insulted. Since our sin is against the Ruler of the Universe, “the wages of [our] sin is death” (Romans 6:23). Not to punish it would be unjust. So God sent his own Son, Jesus, to divert sin’s punishment from us to himself. God…

  • Her Silence is More Eloquent Than Her Speech

    Always the most revealing thing about the Church is her idea of God, just as her most significant message is what she says about Him or leaves unsaid, for her silence is often more eloquent than her speech.” ― A.W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy We must speak of God as the Bible depicts…

  • Trials, Temptations and The Christian

    Recently, I’ve been fascinated at how God uses Satan’s tools and the weakness(es) of our fallen human nature to bring us closer to Him. He uses the tendency toward anxiety to teach trust, impatience to teach patience and trials to show us our sin and all the ways we need Him. This falls in with…

  • What You Don’t See, God Does

    I wrote a song for a friend who was battling cancer. I shared it with them and it was a great encouragement to them. Then, my Uncle’s cancer battle got harder and I knew him better than my other friend. So, I changed my dedication to read: “My Uncle and my other friend”. It ended…

  • Christians in Suffering

    Just read this. Just understand this. Read It Here

  • I Want To; but I Don’t Do It.

    I keep sitting down to do video production and not doing it and not knowing why I don’t. I felt like Paul in Romans 7:15: “For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do.” My sin nature…

  • Pray.

    Martin-Lloyd-Jones once said “Man is at his greatest and highest when upon his knees he comes face-to-face with God.” Pray for your churches. Pray for your pastors. Pray for the leaders and the deacons and the treasurers and the secretaries and the janitors and the sound guys and the people who slip in the back…

  • Study Skill #12

    Study skill 12: Who are you doing it for? Why do we do what we do? Who are we doing it for? If we’re doing it for ourselves to not fail, it isn’t really worth doing. If we’re doing it to make a difference, if we’re doing to show God’s glory in Him working through…

  • A Sweeter Song

    We are easily lulled into sin by our flesh and the world. They sing a sweet song that brings us to the rocks to die. They sell slavery under the guise of “Independence”. But, there is a sweeter song. A greater Savior, a greater Purpose, a greater Meaning, a greater joy beyond measure. A beauty…