Author: Josh

  • Insuperable

    Definition of insuperable : incapable of being surmounted, overcome, passed over, or solved Source: Merrian Webster A word for the day.

  • Keep Goals In Front of Your Face

    “Write down your goals and keep them in front of your face so you can keep running the race.” — Chris Hogan

  • Am I Too Hard on Myself?

    Simultaneously freeing and challenging. Piper summarizes the correct view of this quite winsomely (see below the verses) when summarizing Paul’s amazing statement in Philippians 3:12-14: “Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of…

  • The Seriousness of An Insult

    “The seriousness of an insult rises with the dignity of the one insulted. Since our sin is against the Ruler of the Universe, “the wages of [our] sin is death” (Romans 6:23). Not to punish it would be unjust. So God sent his own Son, Jesus, to divert sin’s punishment from us to himself. God…

  • Her Silence is More Eloquent Than Her Speech

    Always the most revealing thing about the Church is her idea of God, just as her most significant message is what she says about Him or leaves unsaid, for her silence is often more eloquent than her speech.” ― A.W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy We must speak of God as the Bible depicts…

  • Running WordPress on Caddy – Solving my problems.

    To run wordpress on Caddy, you need a Caddyfile like this: tls root * /usr/local/www/wordpress php_fastcgi # Prevent malicious PHP uploads from running @uploads { path_regexp path /uploads\/(.*)\.php } rewrite @uploads / @wp-admin { path not ^\/wp-admin/* } rewrite @wp-admin {path}/index.php?{query} file_server Then you need to set your permissions right. sudo chown -R…

  • To Fail is Better Than To Have Never Tried

    “It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” – Theodore Roosevelt. We often learn more from failure than from success if we take the time to figure out what went wrong and what to do better next time.

  • Trials, Temptations and The Christian

    Recently, I’ve been fascinated at how God uses Satan’s tools and the weakness(es) of our fallen human nature to bring us closer to Him. He uses the tendency toward anxiety to teach trust, impatience to teach patience and trials to show us our sin and all the ways we need Him. This falls in with…

  • Real Men Are Gentle

    Real men are gentle. Desiring God has a lot of great articles and teaching videos on what Biblical Manhood is. I would highly recommend them to my Christian brothers. Nothing has made me hunger more for being the man we’re called to be in Christ. You can message me for specific recommendations. The resources I’ve…

  • Practice Pain

    “It is precisely in times of immunity from care that the soul should toughen itself beforehand for occasions of greater stress, and it is while fortune is kind that it should fortify itself against her violence.” – Seneca the Younger Practice pain and when it comes it will be gentler. If you have practiced the…