Baby Girl: A Hopeful Dirge for the Parents of a Stillborn Child
I wrote this poem for the parents of a stillborn child some time ago. They more recently gave me permission to share it publicly in the hopes it might be a comfort to others who have lost little ones. Baby Girl by Josh Mudge Baby girl who died far too young Unborn daughter who never…
If it’s even remotely important, rewrite it before you send it. Rewrites are almost always better than the original. Josh
A Typing Tip
Random fact I wish I knew before: I went back to typing.com to practice typing numbers and actually watched the video I normally skip. If you want to know what finger to use to type a number, just count your fingers starting with your pinky finger on your left hand. Your pointer fingers count for…
Expectations, People, and God
I was recently reminded of something a mentor of mine, Russ, said years ago. “If we set our expectation on persons, places, or things; they will disappear and disappoint. If we set our expectation on God, He will never disappear or disappoint.” The older I get, the more truth I find in that statement. Josh
Video Editing Resources
I transitioned from video editing to being a freelance communication coach in September. I wanted to post a list of resources for video editing before I forgot what resources I found helpful, so I made this post. If you just want to get started, you may be able to just skip to the “Other Resources”…
If I write something and come back the next day to look at it, I can usually find a better way of writing it. If I’m on a deadline or need to send a message right away even another 2 minutes of thought can help me rewrite it into something better. I think much of…
The Sunshade Umbrella
I bad a fun little moment today. I pulled up to an appointment in pouring rain and didn’t have an umbrella, so I used my car’s sunshade as an umbrella. It looked ridiculous and it worked great. A little man held the door open for me which I appreciated. Josh
Don’t Feel Like It? “just start moving”
I was in a funk today, then I folded some socks. That little success spurred me on to drink some water, go for a walk, and eat lunch. I ended up having a great day all because I prayed and started moving. I think my main issue was being dehydrated. If I hadn’t folded those…
If You’re Talking, You’re Not Learning
“If you’re talking, you’re not learning” – Alex Harmozi I was thinking about this quote when my physical therapist was telling me about something I knew quite a bit about. I felt like saying something to show I already knew what he was telling me, but I decided to keep my mouth shut. I’m glad…
How to Overcome Writer’s Block
How to Overcome Writer’s Block Find a question you find compelling. Answer it. Repeat. If it’s assigned writing, find a question about the topic that you feel is worth answering and answer it. This technique makes boring writing come alive. Josh P.S. This idea came from Jordan Peterson.