Tag: Focus

  • Practice Pain

    “It is precisely in times of immunity from care that the soul should toughen itself beforehand for occasions of greater stress, and it is while fortune is kind that it should fortify itself against her violence.” – Seneca the Younger Practice pain and when it comes it will be gentler. If you have practiced the…

  • Stuck? Stop multi-tasking.

    I”ll be “stuck” at something and realize that I”m trying to listen to a YouTube video in the background while “working” on the task. When I shut off the video and push through, it usually works. Sometimes, I need to go and play the piano, take a walk or just sit with my eyes closed…

  • Focus.

    “What are you going to stop doing so you can truly commit to one thing?” – Connor Grooms This is one small snippet from Connor Grooms’ How To Learn Anything In 30 Days  TEDx talk. To learn something in an impressively short amount of time, there are three steps: 1. Research. Study people who got…