If I Die Tonight

If I die tonight; Cry. Cry because I’m gone. But, do not cry for me. I stand face to face with my Creator, Savior and Friend. I know the greatest heights of joy, the depths of grace, here with my greatest friend of all. I know no more sorrow, no more pain. And if you trust in Christ, you will see me again. I would like to leave you with three [five, add the glory of Christ] things God has shown me in my brief 18 years on this earth:

There is only one life worth living.

“Only one life, ‘twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.” – Charles T. Studd.

My grandpa was the comeback kid. He would get hurt, go the hospital, to to rehab and come home. He always came back — until one day, he didn’t. We cried. It was very hard. But, he had his greatest desire. He went home.

We never know when our life will end. We are in a dash from our birth day to our end day. And we never know when it will be over. We must live every day in such a way that we would be at peace if it is our last. After all, our lives are but a vapor in the wind (Jam. 4:13-15). Here for a moment, gone the next. Can we truly join with Charles Studd in these words: “If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.”

Everyone’s race is different


John and Joseph were so similar. They were both miraculous births, they both served God faithfully in both the preparation and execution of their ministry. They were both put in prison because they were in opposition to an adulterer.  Yet, their end was very different.

Joseph was taken out of prison and raised to second-in-command of one of the greatest world powers of his time. He was set over all Pharaoh controlled except his throne.  Joseph lived for a hundred-and-ten years and lived to see his great-grandchildren.

John the Baptist was also taken out of prison. Not to a high position, but to his death. He spent twenty-nine years preparing for ministry, one year in faithful ministry, and was then murdered on a whim.  A purposeless death ordered by drunken men and cunning woman. He was murdered because he stood on God’s truth with boldness.

Was God faithful to Joseph but not John?

We can view this in a shallow sense, in a this-world sense and miss the big picture. God was just as faithful to John as Joseph. He was taken home to the greatest joy and reward that could ever be known. He was just taken home sooner because God choose to bless him with heaven sooner.

What Man Meant for Evil, God Meant for Good

No matter the circumstances of my death, I ask that you forgive and trust. God allowed it for a purpose. John the Baptist’s life was cut short at 30 years of age after a faithful ministry of only one year. 29 years of preparation, one year of ministry, then death. But, he went home to his Creator. I know he heard the words I crave to hear: “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

If I have wronged you, I pray you would forgive me. If you have wronged me, it is forgiven. If you didn’t say something you wish you would have, I forgive you. Learn from it. Leave nothing unsaid.

There is one thought I would like to leave this world with:

Christ is my greatest treasure. His sacrifice He made for me is all that is worth living for. Trust in His sacrifice to pay the penalty for your sin. There is no greater joy or purpose.


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