I Quit (again).
Two weeks ago, I decided to start the Daily Tidbits series and post every day. I think that was a good experience, but it’s time to bring that to a close. I quit (again). What I Learned These Daily Tidbits have been a good opportunity to try out many ideas quickly and push past perfectionism.…
Make Use of In-Between Times
Make use of waiting In-between times. Yesterday, I was in the car more than usual while someone else was driving. I made a couple phone calls and scheduled appointments in some of that downtime. I still talked to the people I was with for most of those two rides. I didn’t let it monopolize the…
Reader Survey: Every Day or Every Week?
Would you rather I: Keep posting every day? Post once a week and put more effort into my weekly articles? Please let me know what you’d prefer in the comments below or send me a message so I know what you think. Josh
Batch Tasks to Increase Performance and Conserve Energy
I was recently watching a Thomas Frank video where he was talking about batching tasks to save time and energy. The concept is simple: You take tasks that are similar and do them all at once. He uses the example of how he batches his high energy tasks earlier in the day when he has…
My King (a Poem)
I wrote “My King” in 2018 when I was struggling with emotions, change, and internal turmoil. I’m bringing out some of my old poetry that is occasionally beautiful, occasionally cringe, so prepare yourself. This is poem #2. “My King” by Josh Mudge My King, Though I put another before You Though I rebel against…
No Matter How Far You Run, a Poem.
This is a poem for when we wander from God. It’s about how God loves and pursues us even when we don’t seek Him. I wrote it for a friend who was struggling with an addiction. I shared it with them, but never told them I wrote it for them. God did work in their…
The Little Things
The Little Things God sometimes gives us joy in the little things. The little graces. A hassle I was expecting to have to deal with was resolved before I woke up. I was able to talk to 7 medical (two were billing) people and left messages for another four today. I had been putting that…
I’m going to make an adjustment to my schedule for my weekly wanderings. I will write a weekly wandering at some point during the week, at least by Saturday night. That way if I get an idea on a Monday or Tuesday, I can still put it out into the world. Josh
How Can We Live in Sin if We Died to It?
How Can We Live in Sin if We Died to It? “What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it? Or do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus…
Adversity is an Opportunity.
Adversity is an opportunity. My blog going down for a few hours gave me the idea of using it as an opportunity to talk about adversity. By blog going down was a very minor “trial”, but it got me thinking about the many ways God uses adversity to bring about good. God Brings Good through…