Writing, Living, and Resting

I used to write about life a lot more than I really invested in living it. I have some catch-up work to do in living by the principles I’ve preached.

That catch-up work may occupy my attention to the point that I may not write here as much. You may have already noticed this in the last week or two.

I’m uncommiting to writing every week. I may write less or not at all. I’ve found that letting nonessential things go when they become a chore allow me to pick them up again with a lot more vigor after a time.

Time away from things I love can often help me love them more. I’ve recently picked music and chess back up as hobbies after setting them aside for a time in much the same way.


I over scheduled myself to try to catch up, but it ended up being counterproductive. I need some time where I plan to have nothing planned. It’s essential to working and living well.

I like Greg McKeown’s principle for rest: “Never do more in a day than you can recover from that day. Never do more in a week than you can recover from that week.”

I rarely follow that prescription to the letter. But the closer I follow the principle, the better I work.

That’s part of why I’m uncommiting to writing weekly. I need some space to recover and writing for my blog has become an obligation rather than a joy.

I’ll still write when I am moved to write and may post short snippets about what I’ve learned.


Photo by  Jan Canty


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