In Defense of the Paragraph

Edit 2/3/2022: 3-4 sentences is actually a better paragraph and writing



can serve a useful purpose. I just didn’t know it at the time.


I want to take a break from my study skills series to defend the paragraph. In blogs like this, where I’m writing short thoughts, there is a tendency to write



The sentences are harder to tie together because they do not form a larger unit. A paragraph has a topic sentence that what it is about and why the reader should care in a single sentence, a purpose. Then it has 1-3 supporting sentences and finally a concluding sentence that wraps it all up. Sometimes, you can throw in an extra sentence or two for a call to action, but generally around five sentences is good for a paragraph. This structure is easy to understand and effective. Breaking up your writing to have a space between each sentence may make it look like you’ve written more, but it is harder to read and less effective. Go forth and write well. Thanks for reading. If you are interested in learning more about writing great paragraphs, here is an article I found:


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