Category: Habits

  • The Big 3

    In Michael Hyatt’s book Free To Focus, he talks about coming up with his “Big 3” for the week. He looks at all he needs to do for the week and eliminates some, automates some and delegates some. With what he has left, he assigns some to the “back burner” list, things he needs or…

  • Write Poorly. Fail often.

    Write poorly until you can write well. Fail until you can succeed. Start with what is easy and work to what is hard. I would like to take a look at what it like to write poorly, why it matters and how you can apply writing poorly to other areas of life. I love when…

  • Implement Your Intentions.

    James Clear recommends what he calls “implementation intentions”, a specific kind of plan to meet our goals. I would like to take a look at them, how and why to predict your own failure and why it matters. The structure of implementation intentions is: “I will [action] on [day] at [time] in/at [place]”. For example,…

  • Habits.

    “Atomic Habits” by James Clear is one of my all time favorite books that changed how I approach habits and high performance. I found it easier to start applying and see results than the Power of Habit. Three points in his book that stick out to me are: #1. Building habits is more about consistency…