What am I feeling right now?

What am I feeling right now?

This question has allowed me to find the problem below the surface.

Am I really unmotivated or do I just need a nap? Or drink some water? Or take a break?

I can often tell by answering the question: What am I feeling right now?


P.S. I had said I would write a blog post on how to x-ray a book this week, but it wasn’t consistent with what I’ve been learning.

If you want me to write about x-raying a book, drop a comment requesting it. If I get enough interest, I’ll have a more compelling reason to do it.

The idea for this post came from: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Uo08uS904Rg which I mostly agree with. It’s a useful way of conceptualizing why we drag our feet on simple things.


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