Category: Weekly Wanderings

  • What am I feeling right now?

    What am I feeling right now? This question has allowed me to find the problem below the surface. Am I really unmotivated or do I just need a nap? Or drink some water? Or take a break? I can often tell by answering the question: What am I feeling right now? Josh P.S. I had…

  • Monday This Week

    Crazy weekend this week, I’ll catch y’all on Monday.

  • “Daddy Is Wrong”

    “Daddy Is Wrong”

    Daddy Is Wrong All sin is a lack of trust in God. It’s saying “I trust what I think is best is better than what you think is best.” This idea came from a sermon clip where John Piper gave this illustration: “The only reason my sons disobey me is because, on the spur of…

  • Pigeonholing a Book (Chapter 6 of How To Read a Book)

    Pigeonholing a Book (Chapter 6 of How To Read a Book)

    What Kind of Book Are You Reading? It’s easy to assume you know what a book is simply by beginning to read — but it’s not always so easy. Is it a novel making social commentary or a social commentary told as a story? Is it a book on philosophy, history, or science? Is it…

  • If You Could Go Back in Time, What Would You Tell Your 18 Year Old Self?

    If You Could Go Back in Time, What Would You Tell Your 18 Year Old Self?

    “If you could go back in time and talk to your 18 year old self, what would you say?” That’s the question I asked a few people back in 2019 when I was 18. I don’t remember most of the responses, but one of them stuck with me. “Don’t be so selfish.” That answer came…

  • A Manifesto to Live By

    A Manifesto to Live By

    I came up with a manifesto after reading “The Disciplined Life” by Richard S. Taylor: “A Manifesto To Live By” by Josh Mudge A ruthless elimination of the nonessential. A rescheduling of the “urgent”. A lack of care for “should”s and “could”s in the face of “must”s. A surrendering of sins, worries, and regrets to…

  • How To Make It Shorter

    How To Make It Shorter

    Have you ever struggled with how to make a piece of writing shorter? Maybe you’re writing a speech, a paper, or a song. It’s just too long and you don’t know what to do. Do this: Set aside an hour. Figure out how much you need to cut (300 words, 3 pages, etc). We’ll call…

  • Is it what the teacher teaches or what the student learns?

    The Teacher or the Student? “Is it what the teacher teaches or what the student learns?”* You can have the best teacher in the world, and learn nothing. You can have a terrible teacher, and learn much. What kind of student are you? Do you observe, absorb, and apply what you learn? Some teachers are…

  • Give Orders That Are Likely To Be Followed

    Give Orders That Are Likely To Be Followed

    “It is better to give orders that are likely to be followed.” No, I wasn’t reading a military handbook. I was reading a star wars book that made a good point. Giving orders that your people want to follow makes them more likely to want to follow you. It earns respect that is essential when…

  • Rest is as important as work.

    Rest is as important as work. I would explain, but I’m sleep deprived. Josh