Category: Excellence

  • Implement Your Intentions.

    James Clear recommends what he calls “implementation intentions”, a specific kind of plan to meet our goals. I would like to take a look at them, how and why to predict your own failure and why it matters. The structure of implementation intentions is: “I will [action] on [day] at [time] in/at [place]”. For example,…

  • Chronotypes.

    I have been doing some research into sleep chronotypes and how they affect our quality and quantity of sleep. I’d like to take a look at the types of chronotypes, how they change as we grow older and why we can create better lives if we adjust our schedules to them. There are three kinds…

  • When You Don’t Feel Like it

    We all have times where we don’t feel like doing what we know we need to do. I didn’t get enough sleep last night, so today was one of those days. I’ll often try to push through lack of sleep and get distracted and not get much done. Today was a mix, it wasn’t my…

  • Focus.

    “What are you going to stop doing so you can truly commit to one thing?” – Connor Grooms This is one small snippet from Connor Grooms’ How To Learn Anything In 30 Days  TEDx talk. To learn something in an impressively short amount of time, there are three steps: 1. Research. Study people who got…