Month: December 2019

  • PSA: If you have access to your doctor’s notes, read them.

    I setup my “My Health” portal for my medical network and was intrigued to find my Neurologist’s notes from my last appointment. I found a summary of what he thinks is causing my muscle weakness and was able to do a little bit of Google-ing to find more information about the specific terms he was…

  • When We Do Hard Things.

    When we do hard things, we learn about ourselves and the world we live in. When we do hard things, we get stronger. When we do hard things, we can take on bigger challenges if we just keep our eyes open and learn. This month, I was worked on a hard thing. I was working…

  • Introduction to the Shotcut Video Editor.

    I had a realization early this morning. How much time had I spent in the last month watching videos about video production? Hours. How many videos had I produced? Zero. Here’s the first this month. An introduction to Shotcut, my favorite video editor.

  • Write Poorly. Fail often.

    Write poorly until you can write well. Fail until you can succeed. Start with what is easy and work to what is hard. I would like to take a look at what it like to write poorly, why it matters and how you can apply writing poorly to other areas of life. I love when…

  • Implement Your Intentions.

    James Clear recommends what he calls “implementation intentions”, a specific kind of plan to meet our goals. I would like to take a look at them, how and why to predict your own failure and why it matters. The structure of implementation intentions is: “I will [action] on [day] at [time] in/at [place]”. For example,…

  • Habits.

    “Atomic Habits” by James Clear is one of my all time favorite books that changed how I approach habits and high performance. I found it easier to start applying and see results than the Power of Habit. Three points in his book that stick out to me are: #1. Building habits is more about consistency…

  • Chronotypes.

    I have been doing some research into sleep chronotypes and how they affect our quality and quantity of sleep. I’d like to take a look at the types of chronotypes, how they change as we grow older and why we can create better lives if we adjust our schedules to them. There are three kinds…

  • When You Don’t Feel Like it

    We all have times where we don’t feel like doing what we know we need to do. I didn’t get enough sleep last night, so today was one of those days. I’ll often try to push through lack of sleep and get distracted and not get much done. Today was a mix, it wasn’t my…

  • Focus.

    “What are you going to stop doing so you can truly commit to one thing?” – Connor Grooms This is one small snippet from Connor Grooms’ How To Learn Anything In 30 Days  TEDx talk. To learn something in an impressively short amount of time, there are three steps: 1. Research. Study people who got…

  • Rest.

    Today, I’m going to take a look at rest. Why we need it, what it looks like to go without it and what real rest looks like. First, why do we need rest? This goes back to creation. God created six days and rested on the seventh (Gen. 2:2) — not because He needed to,…